Notice:Do not ship equipment until you have an agreement of workINSTRUCTIONSGLOVE REPALMINGMost glove repalming will be $60.00 per pair of gloves. (one right, one left)Before you Ship!Examine your gloves for any damages other than the palms. A - Deteriorated gussets
B - Missing padding
C - Padding protruding through glove material
D - Destroyed edge from the forefinger through the thumb (red area)
E - Destroyed edge from thumb to cuff (red area)
F - Destroyed edge from pinkie to the cuff (red area)
G - Non-standard palm configuration
Gloves that are shipped with additional damages that I have not been made aware of will be shipped back.Gloves that are in poor condition may incur additional costs depending on the severity.
LOCAL CUSTOMERSIf you live nearby you can drop off your equipment any time but